The Online Works of Chris Anderton

Redis hashes, lists and sets in Postgres with Heroku Data Links

Note: Data links between Heroku Redis and Heroku Postgres will be sunset on January 30, 2018

Getting Started

Add Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis add-ons to your app (if not attached) - you will need a Production tier Postgres plan to use Data Links (Standard 0 or higher).

Make sure you have an up to date version of the Heroku Toolbelt.

Create the Data Link - replace appname with the name of your app

heroku pg:links create REDIS_URL DATABASE_URL --as redis -a appname

That's it! The Data Link has been created - behind the scenes your Postgres database has been configured with a foreign server and foreign table pointing to your Redis database using a Foreign Data Wrapper.

To setup additional foreign tables we need the details of the foreign server - retrieve the details of the foreign server with the following query:


The response includes the name of the foreign server connection:

                    List of foreign servers
         Name          |     Owner      | Foreign-data wrapper 
 <server_name>         | <username>     | redis_fdw
(1 row)


Create a foreign table specifying the 'hash' tabletype - use the server name from the previous query to replace server_name:

sql CREATE FOREIGN TABLE redis.hashtable (key text, value text[]) SERVER server_name OPTIONS (database '0', tabletype 'hash');

Insert some data:

sql INSERT INTO redis.hashtable (key, value) VALUES ('my-hash-key','{key-1,value-1,key-2,value-2}');

The value column is actually defined as a 1-dimensional array - so you could also insert using the ARRAY keyword:

sql INSERT INTO redis.hashtable (key, value) VALUES ('my-hash-key',ARRAY['key-1','value-1','key-2','value-2']);

Query the table:

sql SELECT * FROM redis.hashtable; key | value -------------+------------------------------- my-hash-key | {key-1,value-1,key-2,value-2} (1 row)

You could also query using some of the ARRAY functions and if you really wanted to get funky you could also use JSON functions - for example, to get all the keys within your hash:

sql SELECT json_object_keys(json_object(value)) AS inner_hash_keys FROM redis.hashtable; inner_hash_keys ------------------ key-1 key-2 (2 rows)

I'm not exactly sure of the use-case - but thought it worth sharing!

Next, check the data in Redis - list the KEYS:

> keys *

1) my-key
2) my-hash-key

Get the hash keys using HKEYS:

> hkeys my-hash-key

1) key-1
2) key-2

Retrieve the value for the hash keys using HMGET:

> hmget my-hash-key key-1 key-2

1) value-1
2) value-2

Singleton Key Hashes

Singleton Key Hashes can be defined by including the singleton_key OPTION in the create table statement

sql CREATE FOREIGN TABLE redis.singletonhashtable (key text, value text) SERVER server_name OPTIONS (database '0', tabletype 'hash', singleton_key 'always-my-hash-key');

Insert multiple values - you only specify the key/value pairs; the hash key is set in the foreign table options

sql INSERT INTO redis.singletonhashtable (key, value) VALUES ('key-1','val-1'),('key-1','val-2');

Select the values:

sql SELECT * FROM redis.singletonhashtable; key | value ---------+------- key-1 | val-1 key-2 | val-2

Next, check the data in Redis - list the KEYS:

> keys *

1) my-key
2) my-hash-key
3) always-my-hash-key

Get the hash keys using HKEYS:

> hkeys always-my-hash-key

1) key-1
2) key-2

Retrieve the value for the hash keys using HMGET:

> hmget always-my-hash-key key-1 key-2

1) value-1
2) value-2


Create a foreign table specifying the 'list' tabletype - use the server name to replace server_name - much like the hash the value is an ARRAY:

sql CREATE FOREIGN TABLE redis.listtable (key text, value text[]) SERVER server_name OPTIONS (database '0', tabletype 'list');

Insert some data:

sql INSERT INTO redis.listtable (key, value) VALUES ('my-list-key',ARRAY['1st','2nd','3rd','4th','5th']);

Select the values:

sql SELECT * FROM redis.listtable;

key | value -------------+----------------------- my-list-key | {1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th} (1 row)

Append items to the list using Array concatenation:

sql UPDATE redis.listtable SET value = value || ARRAY['6th'] WHERE key = 'my-list-key';

Next, check the data in Redis - list the KEYS:

> keys *

1) my-key
2) my-hash-key
3) always-my-hash-key
4) my-list-key

Get the items in the list using LRANGE:

> LRANGE my-list-key 0 -1

1) 1st
2) 2nd
3) 3rd
4) 4th
5) 5th
6) 6th

Singleton Key Lists

Singleton Key Lists can be defined by including the singleton_key OPTION in the create table statement

sql CREATE FOREIGN TABLE redis.singletonlisttable (value text) SERVER server_name OPTIONS (database '0', tabletype 'list', singleton_key 'always-my-list-key');

Insert single or multiple values - you only specify the value pairs; the list key is set in the foreign table options:

sql INSERT INTO redis.singletonlisttable (value) VALUES ('alpha'),('beta');

Select the values:

sql SELECT * FROM redis.singletonlisttable; value ------- alpha beta (2 rows)

Next, check the data in Redis - list the KEYS:

> keys *

1) my-key
2) my-hash-key
3) always-my-hash-key
4) my-list-key
5) always-my-list-key

Get the items in the list using LRANGE:

> LRANGE always-my-list-key 0 -1

1) alpha
2) beta

To add values to the list within Postgres, issue additional INSERT statements - this will add new items to the end of the list (RPUSH).

Singleton Key Lists do not support UPDATE operations in Postgres.


Working with Sets is similar to Lists - remember to specify the 'set' tabletype in the foreign table create command.

Singleton Key Sets

Much like the similarities working with Sets and Lists - Singleton Key Sets work like Singleton Key Lists. Remember to specify the 'set' tabletype and the singleton_key in the foreign table create command.

Redis Usage

Most of the content in this post is also relevant to using the Redis FDW in conjunction with a standard Postgres and Redis database - manual configuration of the FDW would be required.

The Redis FDW documentation lists the supported table types:

tabletype: can be 'hash', 'list', 'set' or 'zset' Default: none, meaning only look at scalar values.

There are some limitations on the commands available on the different table types - take a look at the Redis FDW documentation for more details.

As above, the default uses scalar values; therefore the default foreign table for a Data Link uses scalar values.